Set of 3 The Chipmunks 1985 glass tumblers Located in the upper booth inside the glass display case on the east side of the aisleVintage Dr.Pepper Anniversary tray Located in the upper booth on the east side of the aisle in the open bookshelf unitVintage Island Bottling Ltd Nanaimo BC soda bottle Located in the showcase in the entrance way to the mall east sideVintage soda bottle made in Moosejaw Located in the display case near the front entrance cash deskVintage 1980s Sesame St with many Muppet characters in a Winter Scene Located on top of the display case near the cash desk in the front entrance of the mallVintage hand painted Japan large size Collie dog figurine Located in the upper booth inside the display case on the west side of the aisle on the top shelfVintage Belleek Ireland pair of coffee mugs Located in the display case near the front cashier desk on the east side of the entrance wayVintage made in Poland hand painted mercury glassChristmas tree ornaments Located in the upper booth inside the Christmas display case on the bottom shelf left hand side
Vintage hand painted teardrop and indents glass ornaments made in Poland Located in the upper booth inside the Xmas display case on the bottom left hand side Box of 5 hand painted glass ornaments made for Noma Canada Located in the upper booth on top of the Xmas display case on the south wallPictures, melmac, kitchenware, linen and small pieces of furniture Located in the upper booth inside look facing north
Vintage 1960s ceramic Beagle dog figurine made in Japan Located in the upper booth display case on the west side of the aisle1960s vintage ceramic Collie dog figurine Located in the upper booth display case on the west side of the aisle1960s vintage Anchor Hocking glass USA Forest Green & Royal Ruby glassware Located in the upper booth inside the display case on the west side of the booth interiorSolid wood wall display shelf unit with plate rail Located in the upper booth inside the booth interior with other pieces of small furniture